Market, Liquidity and Asset Liability Risk Management (MLARM) Certificate

The PRMIA MLARM Certificate is designed to deliver a deep, practical understanding of these areas of risk management, their frameworks, and various measurement methodologies in financial institutions. Successful candidates will be better prepared to implement the processes, procedures and policies around these areas, as well as gain a deep overview of the related tools and techniques.

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New content just added!
The certificate has just been updated to include the most current information on topics important to the risk manager role, including the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB), Basel Accord related changes as well as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Also, there is a focus on the lessons learned from the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.


MLARM Certificate Candidate Guidebook

The Guidebook provides an overview of program design, dates and locations, fees and registration, exam format, syllabus, and preparation.

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What is the Market, Liquidity and Asset Liability Risk Management (MLARM) Certificate?


Market, Liquidity and Asset Liability Risk Management may seem like an odd combination; however, in some of their original underlying areas and through the outcome of the recent financial crisis, they have become much more closely aligned. Both Market Risk and Asset Liability Risk Management have interest rate risk as one of their underlying elements, and Asset Liability Risk Management provides a mechanism to align these areas.

The MLARM Certificate is relevant to all risk-related roles in financial services, in particular Market Risk Staff, Treasury Staff, Financial Controllers and those managing the balance sheet, Technology Managers, and Compliance and Legal Officers. Also, a grounding in Market, Liquidity and Asset Liability Risk Management techniques is becoming increasingly important for front line staff, both from a process perspective in their dealings with clients and market counterparts. Passing the MLARM exam will demonstrate essential knowledge of these core topics:

  • Market Risk Introduction
  • Market Risk Governance and Management
  • Market Risk in the Trading Books: Business-Specific Context
  • Market Risk Measurement
  • Market Risk Stress Testing Beyond the VaR Threshold
  • Commodities Market Risk Management
  • Asset Liability Risk Management and Recent Crises
  • An Introduction to Asset Liability Risk Management
  • Interest Rate Risk
  • Liquidity Risk
  • Balance Sheet Management
  • Bank Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP)
  • MLARM Case Studies

    Who holds the MLARM Certificate?

    PRMIA Certifications Public Directory - access a list of risk professionals holding the MLARM Certificate from 2016 onward.

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