Mexico Chapter

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Mexico Community Group

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PRMIA Mexico is currently seeking new volunteers. If you are interested in learning about this volunteer leadership role contact [email protected].

Regional Director

  •  Manfred Nuñez-Solorio, Managing Partner at DIRH®, Risk Management and Results-Based Development Consultant, Lobbyist.

Steering Committee

  • Adan Diaz Hernandez, Academic, Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
  • Alejandro Tinajero, Director Estrategia de Riesgos Adquisición Clientes, Scotiabank
  • Carlos Sanchez, Manager, Valuación, Análisis y Riesgo
  • Hector Bautista, ALCM Subdirector, HSBC
  • Jesica Muñoz

To connect with your local chapter contact [email protected].

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