Asset Classes and Financial Markets

Understanding the landscape that you work in is a foundational part of success. After all, how can you possibly give financial advisory services without knowing financial markets?

As a financial planner or wealth management professional, you need to know financial markets and asset classes like the back of your hand. In this course, we give you an overview of financial markets – what they are, who they serve, and why a healthy one is so important for the global economy – and the three primary asset classes in them.

 Course Access:
90-day course access from date of purchase

Self-study, self-paced

Meeyeon Park, CFI

 2.5 hours


About This Course

As a financial planner or wealth management professional, you need to know financial markets and asset classes like the back of your hand. In this course, we give you an overview of financial markets – what they are, who they serve, and why a healthy one is so important for the global economy – and the three primary asset classes in them.


By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Explain what financial markets are and their purpose
  • Navigate the major asset classes and identify their characteristics and purpose
  • Identify the key financial products in each asset class that financial planners and wealth managers most often encounter
  • Interpret real market data and formulate an opinion on the health of financial market conditions

Who Should Attend
This Asset Classes and Financial Markets course is for anyone interested in becoming their own finance professional first. This course is designed as a primer to introduce all the foundational concepts you need to understand to navigate topics in financial planning and wealth management.

About Our Expert

  Meeyeon Park
Prior to joining CFI, Meeyeon lived in Toronto for ten years where she worked in traditional financial services roles such as investment banking and portfolio management. Before joining CFI, Meeyeon was on a mission to find a professional career that felt more tangible, meaningful, and impactful. In her search for more, she switched gears from investment banking and explored career paths in applied finance within a large global consumer corporation, and also consulted at an impact venture capital firm before finding the CFI team that brought her back to her home of Vancouver, BC.

Throughout her career, Meeyeon has always been grateful for having the amazing fortune of meeting the right people at the right time. Her early colleagues turned mentors and friends have been transformative to her development both professionally and personally, and she is in turn very passionate about supporting those around her. Meeyeon is a keen lifelong learner in every way and her passion to help young people acquire the skills and knowledge they need to succeed was a natural fit for CFI. As the VP of Private Wealth, Meeyeon brings real-world experience in capital markets and corporate finance to the FPWM program.

Continued Risk Learning Credits:  2.5

PRMIA Continued Risk Learning (CRL) programs provide you with the opportunity to formally recognize your professional development, documenting your evolution as a risk professional. Employers can see that you are not static, making you a highly valued, dynamic, and desirable employee. The CRL program is open to all Contributing, Sustaining, and Risk Leader members, providing a convenient and easily accessible way to submit, manage, track and document your activities online through the PRMIA CRL Center. To request CRL credits, please email [email protected].

 Membership Type Price
 Members $ 100.00
 Non Members $ 110.00


Immediate access to the course is granted for 90 days after your purchase. Please complete the course within that time period.

If this is your first time accessing the PRMIA website you will need to create a short user profile to register. Save on registration by becoming a member.


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