A Random Walk into Climate Disaster

Key Takeaways

The capital markets theories of the 1950s and 1960s are based on assumptions that will render them obsolete as the shift towards a low carbon economy is gathering momentum. This has profound consequences for how portfolios are constructed, how companies are valued, the changing role of risk managers, and the type of data they need to inform decisions. This webinar aims to address the question, "What is really going on here?"



Gerhard Mulder’s career in climate finance spans both the public and private sector. He has worked in consulting in Washington DC, environmental markets on Wall Street, and for the Dutch government (Netherlands Enterprise Agency), Dutch banks (ABN AMRO and Rabobank) and a leading non-profit (IUCN) in the Netherlands.

After he completed his MBA at Oxford in 2018, he co-founded Climate Risk Services together with Stephanie Gnissios to advise public and private sector organizations on climate risk. He studied environmental economics and international affairs at Columbia University in New York, and Public Policy at the University of Amsterdam.

Gerhard is married with three children. In his free time, he likes to run. 


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