Auditing Risk Culture through Human Factor Risk

Key Takeaways

  • How decision making really works
  • Learn how the RTC framework builds structure and meaning into the management of Human Factor Risk…and life in general!
  • Appreciate the tangible benefits to risk management of RTC’s exceptional reliability and coherence
  • Learn how the complementary nature of Risk Types builds robust diversity into decision making teams


Geoff Trickey is CEO at Psychological Consultancy Ltd., a business that focuses exclusively on Occupational Psychology and psychometrics. Geoff has had an unusually varied professional career as a Chartered Psychologist - with wide international professional experience. He has been privileged to work with eminent and influential colleagues In Europe and in the US. Geoff’s interest in human risk was triggered by the chaotic variety and technical indifference of tests adopted by Financial Intermediaries in assessing the risk appetite of their clients; a bizarre parallel universe to an experienced psychometrician. Despite strong academic evidence linking personality to risk tolerance, no genuinely psychometric personality-based approaches had been adopted. This sparked the development of the Risk Type Compass tool based on decades of fascinating neuroscience and psychological research that distinguishes between objective ‘frequentist’ probabilistic measures of risk and the natural ’human factor’ risk dispositions that drive decision making and behavior.


Geoff's company, Psychological Consultancy Ltd, has very generously provided PRMIA with an exclusive link for you so you can take the Risk Type assessment at no charge. A clickable link is within the slide handout (toward the end), which you can download below. You will receive a 1-page/abbreviated report via email. Your email will be collected when you take the assessment; however, it will not be used by Geoff’s company for marketing purposes. Also, if your company is interested in using this tool to assess your risk teams and process the results, please contact PRMIA ([email protected]) and we will be happy to initiate the process.

(Adobe PDF File)

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