Compliance Mgmt: Ensuring You Meet Society's Risk Appetite

This webinar is timed for our North American and APAC members. The question whether compliance management and risk management should be managed separately or together has been debated quite a bit over the years. The reality is that the two practices are tightly interconnected – and should be managed as such.
September 28, 2023

11:00 - 12:00 p.m. EDT


  Presented By:
David Tattam, Chief Research and Content Officer, Protecht
Michael Howell, Research and Content Lead, Protecht

Virtual Event


About This Webinar
Should compliance management and risk management be separate? It's a question that has been asked many times.

If your framework is based on GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) then by definition, they must be managed together. Our preferred framework of ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) also incorporates compliance risk management as a cornerstone.

How are the two concepts linked? Regulatory compliance obligations represent the risk appetite of the society in which we operate. They are aimed at ensuring we manage the risks we bring to our stakeholders within the levels that society has determined. This is the key link between compliance and risk.

The challenge is how to manage compliance in an integrated approach that both leverages and encompasses enterprise risk management.

In this webinar, Protecht’s Chief Research & Content Officer David Tattam and Research & Content Lead Michael Howell take a look at how compliance management and risk management can be managed together.

Key information and topics covered:
This webinar will consider how compliance management and enterprise risk management can be combined together.
The main points that will be addressed include:
1. Compliance and risk: Understanding the link between risk and compliance requirements
2. Risk appetite: How to include compliance in your risk appetite
3. Compliance requirements: Knowing what they are by developing and maintaining compliance libraries
4. Managing compliance: The key steps
5. Managing compliance risk: Leveraging your ERM capabilities
6. Compliance reporting: The key to realizing value
7. Bringing it to life: Using technology to make it happen

About Our Experts  

  David Tattam is the Chief Research & Content Officer and co-founder of the Protecht Group. David's vision is to redefine the way the world thinks about risk and to develop risk management to its rightful place as being a key driver of value creation in each of Protecht's customers.

David is the driving force in taking Protecht's risk thinking to the frontiers of what is possible in risk management and to support the uplift of people risk capability through training and content.

  Michael Howell is Protecht's Research and Content Lead. He is passionate about the field of risk management and related disciplines, with a focus on helping organisations succeed using a ‘decisions eyes wide open’ approach.

Michael is a Certified Practicing Risk Manager whose curiosity drives his approach to challenge the status quo and look for innovative solutions.


     Thank You To Our Sponsor  
9/28/2023 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
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