Online Risk Management Mastery and Organizational Risk Excellence Courses

This collection of online courses developed by Protecht help create the risk leaders of tomorrow by providing training that meets people where they are in their risk management journey. These courses are backed by decades of industry experience, an understanding of risk management challenges learned through ongoing engagement with Protecht customers and the risk community, and a commitment to high quality training materials.

Risk Management Fundamentals for Everyone

This course is designed to be delivered to everyone in an organisation, providing a foundation for a common understanding of risk, how it is managed every day, and why it is important to YOU.

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Enterprise Risk Management – Bringing It To Life

An introduction to Enterprise Risk Management and the value that it brings to an organisation. By the end of this course you will gain insights into the why, what, how and who in order to effectively implement an ERM framework. A 10-minute free demo course is also available.

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Risk Bow Ties and Root Cause Analysis

This course provides you with a detailed working knowledge of the risk bow tie analysis technique and its application in not only root cause analysis but in providing a wider and more intimate knowledge of your risks. Bow tie analysis is used to develop clear risk taxonomies and ensure risk descriptions are clear and consistent.

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Risk and Control Self-Assessment

The course covers all aspects of the risk and control self assessment (RCSA) process from design and implementation through to carrying out assessments, reporting results and creating follow up actions. It considers the RCSA process both as a stand-alone process and as part of an integrated ERM framework.

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Controls Design and Assurance

Your internal control framework and individual controls are the front line in managing your risks, yet they are often misunderstood and neglected. This course is focused on providing a deep understanding of controls to enable optimally designed controls to be implemented to achieve maximum effect for minimum cost.

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Compliance and Compliance Risk Management

This course covers both compliance management and compliance risk management. The focus is on the development of an efficient risk-based approach to compliance and what that means in practice from recording compliance obligations to setting up a risk-based approach to monitoring compliance.

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Risk Metrics and KRIs

The measurement of risk greatly assists in its management, but measuring non-financial risk can be hard. Risk metrics are the key. This practical course is aimed at risk practitioners and business managers who have implemented or are looking to implement a robust and comprehensive KRI capability.

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Incident Management

The difference between a well-managed or poorly executed incident process can have a significant impact on outcomes. This course is aimed at risk practitioners wanting to gain an understanding of how to analyse an incident using bow tie analysis, identify what went wrong, and make improvements to avoid it happening again.

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Risk Management for Line 1

Designed specifically for Line 1, this course covers essential risk management concepts and provides practical training on how Line 1 can excel in their role and contribute to effective risk management. For risk management to be effective, it needs to be embedded as part of day-to-day activities.

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Risk Management for Boards

Board members play a critical role in ensuring sustainable success in their organization – which can only be achieved through intelligent risk taking and effective governance. This course enables boards to discharge their oversight responsibilities while understanding ‘what good looks like’.

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Risk Appetite Statements and Frameworks

The setting of an organisation's risk appetite is a critical component of a robust risk management framework. This course is focused on improving knowledge and skills in relation to setting risk appetite and tolerance for your organisation’s key risks and developing a comprehensive risk appetite framework.

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Operational Resilience

This course is aimed at risk practitioners and business managers who are responsible for building operational resilience in their organization. It breaks down what it means to be operationally resilient, and lays out practical steps you can take to understand business operations in order to pursue resilience strategies, and test your organizations capability to remain resilient under operational disruption and stress.

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